The FRIENDS Programmes work! Links to the research evidence:

Peer-Reviewed Research Papers

Briesch, A, M., Hagermoser Sanetti, L, M., and Briesch, J, M. (2010) Reducing the prevalence of anxiety in children and adolescents: an evaluation of the evidence base for the FRIENDS for life program, School Mental Health, 2, 155-165.

Green, S. L. and Atkinson, S., (2016) Implementation Issues: a ‘FRIENDS for life’ course in a mainstream secondary school, Educational Psychology in Practice, 32(3), 217-230.

Higgins, E. and O’Sullivan, S., (2015) “What Works”: systematic review of the “FRIENDS for Life” programme as a universal school-based intervention programme for the prevention of child and youth anxiety, Educational Psychology in Practice, 31 (4), 424-438.

Lang, R., Regester, A., Lauderdale, S., Ashbaugh, K, and Haring, A. (2010) Treatment of anxiety in autism spectrum disorders using cognitive behaviour therapy: a systematic review, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 13(1),53-63.

Mostert, J. and Loxton, H. (2008) Exploring the effectiveness of the FRIENDS program in reducing anxiety symptoms among South African children, Behaviour Change, 25, 85-96.

Rodgers, A. and Dunsmuir, S. (2013). A controlled evaluation of the ‘FRIENDS for Life’ Emotional Resiliency Programme on Overall Anxiety Levels, Anxiety Subtype Levels and School Adjustment. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Rossiter R. J., Hunnisett E. and Pulsford M. (1998) Anger Management Training and People with Moderate to Severe Learning Disabilities. Brit J Learning Disabilities. Vol 26: 67-74.

Rossiter R.J., Andrews K., and Tulloch L. (2011) Emotion management for young people with severe learning disabilities. Learning Disability Practice 14(6), 21-24.

Rossiter, R., & Holmes, S. (2013). Access all areas: creative adaptations for CBT with people with cognitive impairments–illustrations and issues. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 6.

Ruttledge, R., Devitt, E., Greene, G., Mullany, M., Charles, E., Frehill, J., Moriarty, M. (2016). A randomised control trial of the FRIENDS for Life emotional resilience programme delivered by teachers in Irish primary schools. Educational and Child Psychology, 33, 2, 69-98.

Stallard, P., Simpson, N., Anderson, S., Carter, T., Osborn, C. and Bush, S. (2005) An evaluation of the FRIENDS program: A cognitive behaviour therapy intervention to promote emotional resilience, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 90, 1016-1019.

Stallard, P., Simpson, N., Anderson, S., Hibbert, S., and Osborn, C. (2007) The FRIENDS emotional health program: Initial findings from a school-based project. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 12,32-37.

Stallard, P., Simpson, N., Anderson, S., and Goddard, M. (2008) The FRIENDS emotional health prevention programme: 12 month follow up of a universal UK school based trial, European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 17, 283-289.

Stallard, P., Skryabina, E., Taylor, G., Phillips, R., Daniels, H., Anderson, R. and Simpson, N., (2014) Classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy (FRIENDS): A cluster randomised controlled trial to prevent anxiety in children through education in schools (PACES). The Lancet Psychiatry, 1(3), 185-192

Werner-Seidler, A., Perry, Y., Calear, A. L., Newby, J. M., & Christensen, H. (2017). School-based depression and anxiety prevention programs for young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical psychology review, 51, 30-47.

Research Reports

Department for Education (March 2016) Mental health and behaviour in schools Departmental advice for school staff.

Emerson E. and Hatton C. (2007) The Mental Health of Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities. Lancaster University.

Henefer, Jean and Rodgers, Alish (2013) ‘FRIENDS for Life’: a school-based positive mental health programme. Research project overview and findings. Dublin: National Behaviour Support Service.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities: FRIENDS for Life Programme – Learning Disabilities - Adaptations

Slack, Gemma (2013) An evaluation of the FRIENDS for Life intervention with an autistic spectrum population: evaluating the impact on children's anxiety. DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.

World Health Organization. (2004). Prevention of mental disorders: Effective interventions, and policy options. Summary report.